Repeat Prescriptions

The online prescription service is for repeat prescriptions for medicines previously prescribed to you for stable, long term medical conditions, and you have seen or had a phone consult with the prescriber in the last 6 months. Prescriptions are at the discretion of the prescribing doctor, and you may be contacted to attend for a phone consultation or visit.

Online scripts requests can be made here, or with our new Manage My Health e-portal.

Standard Online Script Service  (requires two business days notice) Adults / 14s & over = $29. Under 14s = $5 – $10

Urgent Phone Script Service ( if you require a script in less than 48 hours) please phone during business hours: 033559119 = $39.

The script will be ready for you as requested, unless you are contacted by us advising otherwise. Our preference is to send your script electronically direct to your nominated pharmacy (paperless ePrescriptions).

Payment can be made online. Our bank account no: 12 3191 0000663 00 . Please enter your name and date of birth as reference.  A $10.00 admin fee will apply to all accounts outstanding at the end of the month.

Repeat Prescription Request